New Book for RVers Who Travel with Dogs

The Meltzers, full-time RVers who travel with two german shepherds, wrote the book because there was no similar reference available. “Even though other pet guides cover things to see and do with a dog, they're aimed at travelers who stay in hotels and motels,” said Julee Meltzer, who spent a year researching campgrounds where dogs are not only allowed but welcomed.

The Meltzer’s claim that 30 million Americans camp with pets. A recent survey by RVtravel.com revealed that nearly 60 percent of RVers travel with a dog either all or most of the time.

The Meltzer’s best advice for RVers is to always call a campground before showing up with a pet. “It may state in a campground directory that a place is dog-friendly, but that may not necessarily be true,” said Meltzer. “It’s not unusual for an RVer to arrive with large animal only to be told, ‘Oh, we only accept dogs less than 25 pounds.’”

The Meltzers estimate that about one-fourth of all campgrounds charge extra for a pet. “Most often it’s $2 a night for one or more dogs,” Julee Meltzer explained. “Sometimes there’s a charge for each dog, but not often.”

“Camping and RVing with Dogs” (ISBN 0976929007) is available from RVbookstore

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